NGO International Supervision and Coaching Institute (ISCI)
was founded in 2010 by 11 active members of the Estonian Association of Supervision and Coaching, all members are accredited, actively practicing supervisors and experienced teachers/trainers. The aim of the non-profit organization is to create and run the training programs for supervisors and coaches, to organize short-term trainings on supervision and coaching, to introduce supervision broadly in Estonia. ISCI has been teaching supervision and coaching according to the created curriculum and there have been 4 groups graduating the 2,5 years long training. The curriculum is accredited by the Estonian Supervision and Coaching Association.
International Cooperation

In 2017 ISCI started cooperation with NGO Supervision and Organisational Development Centre of Latvia (ODCL) (in Latvian language: “Latvijas Supervīzijas un Organizāciju attīstības Centrs”, https://www.facebook.com/supervizijascentrs/). The aim of the cooperation is to teach supervision in Latvia according to the ISCI curriculum. ISCI is supervising Latvian colleagues to ensure the quality of the

– ISCI members Piret Bristol and Triin Vana are teaching with Lithuanian colleagues in Vytautas Magnus University program “Training for professional supervisors”.
– ISCI has been arranging international supervision seminars for specialists of the field. We have had honour to host Anne-Marie Aubert and Maarten Kae Paulsen from Norway, Ilze Norman from Sweden, Bill Mullally from Ireland, Joachim Schwendenwein from Austria, Miriam Ullrich from Germany, Arita Featherstone from Latvia, Peter Sundman from Finland, John Whittington from UK.
– In 2013-15 ISCI was the leading partner in the Nordplus Adult program project: Supervision training programme curriculum and toolkit. Our partners in the project were Lillehammer University College and Latvian Association of Supervisors.
ISCI has been actively introducing supervision in Estonia, providing supervision service for organizations, organizing open supervision seminars for specialists, and organizing international training for supervisors, counsellors, and psychotherapists.
ISCI has been one of the partners in developing Supervision System for the Child- Protection field in Estonia, initiated by the Ministry of Social Affairs.
ISCI is also a partner for Estonian Unemployment Insurance Fund, providing individual supervision sessions for more than 100 employees of the Fund.